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Every week over half of the UK's most senior decision makers read The Sunday Times newpaper

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Business to Business
The Press Awards 2016: Dominic Lawson, Broadsheet Columnist of the Year and, Camilla Long, Broadsheet Interviewer of the Year
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About The Sunday Times Business

The largest Business To Business section in the quality newspaper market.

2000 advertisements were carried in Business To Business over the last 12 months.

Times readers have over 50% more conversations about politics and government than the UK average.

Sunday Times readers are twice as likely to have invested money in their own business.

Business audence

According to British Business Survey:

The Sunday Times is the number one quality Sunday paper for business owners

欧博体育投注 & Sunday Times reaches more executives than any other daily or Sunday paper

欧博体育投注 & Sunday Times readers opinions are valued – More readers who agreed that people and organisations sought out their opinions, read the Times or Sunday Times compared to any other daily or Sunday newspaper

Key columnists

Jeremy Clarkson , AA Gill, Martin Ivens , India Knight , Dominic Lawson, Camilla Long , Rod Liddle, Andrew Sullivan

*Source: NRS (Oct '15 - Sept '16) and BE: Europe Survey 2013 (for C-Suite data)

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欧博体育投注 is the number 1 daily newspaper for business professionals